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banking power meaning in Hindi

banking power sentence in Hindi

निवेश शक्ति
निवेश शक्‍ति
banking    बैंकिग महाजनी
power    राज विद्युत्
1.The combination of the two firms on paper creates awesome investment-banking power.

2."We have to create other centers of banking power, " he said.

3.The Georgia's charter vested it with banking powers and privileges.

4.In addition, Wells Fargo is not gaining investment banking powers.

5.This cannot be remedied by merely multiplying the regulations or increasing the concentration of banking power, or by deposit insurance.

6.If other world banking powers are joining forces, surely Switzerland, which is synonymous with banking, would get into the act.

7.In addition, the United States would come under the influence of British banking power and regulations, heightening tensions between Democratic-Republicans and Federalists.

8.As the consolidation of large banks has continued apace in the'90s, concern has grown about excessive concentrations of banking power in America.

9.Finally, a reporter asked : Doesn't Tuesday's deal leave Bank of Boston ripe for a deal by a big national banking power?

10.When Barnier had signed an agreement to give Colette the jewelry, he had also signed a document giving Martin banking power of attorney.

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How to say banking power in Hindi and what is the meaning of banking power in Hindi? banking power Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.